Hello Greg, > > i was surprised by =:async= standing alone, i.e., with no following > "yes" or "no". is that an org-mode "idiom"? i.e., unadorned header > arguments default to (some form of) "yes"?
Many thanks for the feedback, assigning yes or no to async will work as expected. #+begin_src R :session *R* :results value :async yes :colnames yes Sys.sleep(10) as.list(1:5) #+end_src No async process in R #+begin_src R :session *R* :results value :async no :colnames yes Sys.sleep(10) as.list(1:5) #+end_src :async without parameters will default to yes. #+begin_src R :session *R* :results value :async :colnames yes Sys.sleep(10) as.list(1:5) #+end_src I am not sure if it is a desirable feature or not. Best regards, Jeremie