Hi Jeremie,

> For the parameter  :async without any values assigned to it. I'm
> coordinating with ob-python.el and the orginal package
> https://github.com/jackkamm/ob-session-async.
> Jack do you see the need to change it and expect :async to have the
> value yes or no?

I wrote the :async header to use this behavior, following conventions
from other (external) org packages with the :async header.

In particular, below are the packages I know of with ":async" -- I
believe most of them allow using ":async" instead of ":async yes", but
it's been awhile since I've checked, so I may be misremembering:

- ob-async
- ob-ipython
- ob-jupyter
- ob-ein

I can see why requiring an explicit ":async yes" might be preferable
though, and wouldn't oppose the change if there's a consensus for it.


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