Interested lurker here.  From the biblatex-chicago manual:

"You can load the package via the usual \usepackage{biblatex}, adding either style=chicago-notes or style=chicago-authordate"

All the best,

Denis Maier <> writes:


Am 20.05.2021 um 19:06 schrieb Nicolas Goaziou:

"Bruce D'Arcus" <> writes:

On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 9:57 AM Denis Maier <> wrote:

I'm not really sure we need bare substyles at all. At least in biblatex
it's the basis for the other commands.

Though see my followup message on autocite config.

Does that change this discussion?


I put it in the form of a question, because I'm not sure, but ...

1. I wasn't sure Nicolas was aware of this config option, nor how one would configure it currently (but it seems necessary in general)

There is `org-cite-biblatex-options' defcustom. Currently, it defaults to nil, but you can set it to, e.g., "key=value,key2=value" if needed.
We can also change the default.

Is there a way to use styles that aren't loaded via biblatex package options,
but as distinct package. E.g., biblatex-chicago is loaded as
\usepackage{biblatex-chicago}. Internally, the package will then load biblatex
on its own.


Thomas S. Dye

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