Am 20.05.2021 um 16:11 schrieb Bruce D'Arcus:
On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 9:57 AM Denis Maier <> wrote:
I'm not really sure we need bare substyles at all. At least in biblatex
it's the basis for the other commands.
Though see my followup message on autocite config.
Does that change this discussion?
I put it in the form of a question, because I'm not sure, but ...
1. I wasn't sure Nicolas was aware of this config option, nor how one
would configure it currently (but it seems necessary in general)
No, it's only necessary to configure this if you don't want the defaults.
In authoryear styles you have autocite=inline by default
In authortitle styles you have autocite=inline by default
In verbose styles you have autocite=footnote by default
So, if you use an authoryear/authortitle style, but want
autocite=footnote you'll have to declare this as a package option.
2. If you set default to autocite=inline, which is to say the
non-bare/plain style, the issue you note goes away?
Not sure. Autocite* => parencite*, but there's still no cite/bare* then.
cite/year => \citeyear won't work as this will just print the year
without wrapping it in parentheses. It also won't trigger the ibid. in
the next citation.
cite/bare = \cite would also work in that particular citation, but an
author might remove the preceding sentence, which will make the ibid.
disappear. You will then have a regular bare citation (= "Doe 2020", or
"Doe, Title") instead of just the year or the title in parentheses.
OK, this is one of those nuances; I need to think on this one.
That's obviously an edge case. We can of course choose to start with a
reasonable set of styles and extend later.