
> I admit to being baffled by this.
> If you have nested org src blocks and you recursively enter each org
> block using `org-edit-special' and execute the src blocks other than
> org lang, then exit with `org-edit-src-exit', when you complete this
> the org buffer will have nested src blocks and results with one or
> more comma escapes prepended to lines that start with `#+` or `*`.


> When you export this, you end up with a document that has the comma
> escapes reduced by one in those nested blocks. The appearance of these
> is not altogether pleasing to my eye.

yes, i see what you mean.  though in a very limited pedagological
context, where you want to show the viewer of the exported document what
an org-in-org file looks like in an emacs .org buffer, i guess you might
want this.

for my use, your solution for org-in-org is exactly what i need.

cheers, Greg

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