Hi Greg!

I am not sure if this would be useful to your efforts, but I have an "R in
org-mode" tutorial on github:


Apparently it is now 10 years old somehow, time flies.


On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 6:25 AM Greg Minshall <minsh...@umich.edu> wrote:

> i have a question about org-in-org source blocks.  i volunteered to help
> in an effort to provide a tutorial of using the ESS (Emacs Speaks
> Statistics) package for R, in particular, from org mode.
> i'd like to write my contribution as a .org file.  i'd like to include
> fragments of org code, including source blocks (in R).  and, i'd like to
> show various result types.  so, i'd like to be able to have the
> #+RESULTS show up in the org-in-org source block as exported inside the
> containing .org file.
> and, i'd like to trigger all this from a makefile, using some emacs
> batch script to export the containing .org file into a .html or .pdf
> file.
> (i *think*) what i would like to end up with is what it would like if i
> had manually opened the org-in-org source blocks (C-c‌'), then went to
> each (or, possibly, selected, i guess) source blocks inside *that*
> (org-in-org) source block, and executed each, producing a #+RESULTS
> block for each, then closed the org-in-org source block (C-c‌', again),
> and then exported the containing .org file.
> is this possible?  any ideas?
> cheers, Greg

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