> ***** Full contact information is required
>       :PROPERTIES:
>       :CREATED:  [2018-10-08 Mon 21:34]
>       :ID:       06781e66-0382-4833-a61e-0d76e317593f
>       :END:
> Thank you. Am I supposed to declare these properties in
> org-custom-properties for it not to be visible?

Yes. I use

(setq org-custom-properties '("ID" "STYLE" "REPEAT_TO_STATE" "CREATED"))

Then, you will need to run M-x org-toggle-custom-properties-visibility
or add it to org-mode-hook.

Your example will then look like 

***** Full contact information is required

Beware of using this on large org files. The command creates a huge
number of overlays (one overlay per property line), which may slow down

Hiding the emptied property drawer is currently not possible, unless you
use my WIP patch [1]. The branch also mitigates the issue with large org
files. However, this particular functionality was opposed by other devs
earlier. Further discussion will follow once more important parts of the
patch are resolved.

If you use the patch, you can also set
org-custom-properties-hide-emptied-drawers to 't. Then, your example
should look like

***** Full contact information is required

[1] https://orgmode.org/list/87lfh5vvrp.fsf@localhost/


Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> writes:

> * Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> [2020-11-22 09:37]:
>> > In fact the properties, custom ID and else inside is mostly visually
>> > disturbing me though it is necessary.
>> FYI: org-custom-properties and
>> org-toggle-custom-properties-visibility
> ***** Full contact information is required
>       :PROPERTIES:
>       :CREATED:  [2018-10-08 Mon 21:34]
>       :ID:       06781e66-0382-4833-a61e-0d76e317593f
>       :END:
> Thank you. Am I supposed to declare these properties in
> org-custom-properties for it not to be visible?

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