TEC <tecos...@gmail.com> writes:

> Thinking about this a bit more, I think this may not actually be desirable
> behaviour.
> Why? I considered the case where I’ve been writing a growing inline equation 
> \( \),
> realised it should be displayed as an equation instead with \[ \] and edited 
> the
> LaTeX marks such. I have had similar experiences where while editing an 
> equation
> \[ \] I’ve realised it should instead be \begin{align*} \end{align*}.
> Were the boundary made read-only, I’d have to:
> * pause editing the mathematics
> * move to the start/end of the fragment in the org buffer, and edit 
> accordingly
> * re-start org-edit-latex-fragment/environment on the tweaked LaTeX
> In my opinion the potential hassle introduced by this outweighs the safety in
> not being able to modify the LaTeX deliminators.
> Let me know what you think.

That would be undesirable. LaTeX fragments (inline type) and LaTeX
environments (block type) are different beasts. This is clearly outside
the scope of `org-edit-special' to move from one type to the other.

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