I made a docker image dpom/godevem
(https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/dpom/godevem) for golang
development with emacs.
It is use by my golang course students and
it runs on any platform that has installed docker engine.
Best regards,
On 22.05.2020 00:28, briangpowell . wrote:
> Oh if you're talking about students that use a combo of Mac & Windows &
> Linux:
> Suggest VirtualBox --its free and can be installed and ported to each
> But VirtualBox is based largely on Qemu; and for students, I highly
> recommend they become adept at running and using Qemu
> I've booted and run many different operating system guest systems using
> Qemu--even an OS written entirely in Assembler
> Believe it would be loads of fun for students to load and run many
> different operating systems with Qemu or distributions of Linux or any
> OS on the fly
> But back to our original focus: Running Emacs Org-Mode on a Virtual
> Machine that is extremely portable--you can do this with Qemu--you can
> make your own Linux distro with Emacs Org-mode, make an ISO, a .iso file
> and boot and run it with Qemu
> You can put it all on a USB key and run it on any machine--and then edit
> the .iso and add software later if you like
> But enough about Qemu for student education etc.
> Suggest:
> * Install VirtualBox {on all 2 operating systems
> * Make an virtual machine {Linux or Windows--maybe Mac would be a
> problem--but I just checked--you could host a VirtualBox virtual machine
> on a Mac so they should be able to do that (I used to run VMWare every
> day on my mac and huge Mac servers--booted and ran many virtual
> machines--it was awesome)
> * Install Emacs & Org-Mode on the VirtualBox virtual machine & show your
> students, etc.=> reproducible research computing, at its best!
> On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 2:02 PM briangpowell . <briangpowel...@gmail.com
> <mailto:briangpowel...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> You name it in the virtual world & I've done it--and of course Emacs
> Org-Mode works great in ALL of them
> KVM+Docker{which I posted to this group about
> previously}+VMWare+Qemu+VirtualBox+etc. --I agree with other person:
> You can find ready-made Docker containers running emacs--personally
> I didn't find it all that interesting--too restrictive--prefer
> VMWare Workstation images that I can easily make snapshots of--its
> great to have many development versions and easily trash something
> and just pull out another snapshot version to use instead if I don't
> like things {packaging or libraries can get messed up}
> As much as I hate MicroSoft Windows, it pains me to suggest this;
> but, I suggest CygWin--which is a RedHat gift--you can just install
> your favorite Desktop like LXDE/XWindows/whatever--and run that
> right along with Micro$0ft WindBlowz--works great--right on top of
> it--I run Org-Mode on that too--lots of fun, highly recommend it
> All the best software is ported to ALL platforms--Emacs is in that
> category of course
> Alternatively you can FUSE filesystems together--so machines can
> become part of the directory of the machine you're most comfortable
> with {that runs your fave Org-Mode implementation}
> On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 9:28 AM John Kitchin
> <jkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu <mailto:jkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu>> wrote:
> Has anyone had any success in creating or using any kind of
> virtual machine that can work across platforms to run
> emacs+org-mode?
> John
> -----------------------------------
> Professor John Kitchin
> Doherty Hall A207F
> Department of Chemical Engineering
> Carnegie Mellon University
> Pittsburgh, PA 15213
> 412-268-7803
> @johnkitchin
> http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu