tecos...@gmail.com writes:

> Don't worry, I haven't faded out of exitance!

Well, I was not worried :)

> I've also now completed the FSF copyright assignment. Let me know if
> you need any details on that front.

If you confirm that the FSF confirmed that you're all set, then no.

> I'm yet to look at what would be required for testing and submitting
> a patch though.

See https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.html

> I'm thinking I could probably just try editing the source files for
> my installed org versions.

Please clone like this:

~$ git clone https://code.orgmode.org/bzg/org-mode.git

and send patches as attachments to the mailing list.

> No idea how to test, other that try it manually a few times.

Before sending patches, run this from your org-mode directory:

~$ make test

This does not say that the patch is correct, so further discussions
are often needed, but it checks whether the patch breaks current tests
or not, which is already useful.


> p.s. I recall a comment about distaste for HTML emails earlier, does
> that extend to HTML+Plaintext multipart messages?

Yes, definitely.  Plain text is always better.


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