Bastien <> writes:

I hope you will have time to move forward with sending patches so that we can discuss the feature proposals against something we can actually

Thanks again,

Don't worry, I haven't faded out of exitance! I've merely become (as usual) distracted. In this case I've spend some time setting up mu4e (which I am now sending this email from), which has been interesting. I think I'll like it.

I've also now completed the FSF copyright assignment. Let me know if you need
any details on that front.

I'm yet to look at what would be required for testing and submitting a patch though. I'm thinking I could probably just try editing the source files for my installed org versions. Since Doom uses github (pinned to a specific, usually quite recent commits) instead of MELPA I imagine I should be able to use this to
produce patches which apply to master without issue.

No idea how to test, other that try it manually a few times. Hopefully you'll be
willing to help with that :)

All the best,


p.s. I recall a comment about distaste for HTML emails earlier, does that extend
to HTML+Plaintext multipart messages?

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