On Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 11:32 AM Nicolas Goaziou <m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr> wrote:
> "Bruce D'Arcus" <bdar...@gmail.com> writes:


> > So in other words, the value of an affix would be a trimmed string?
> That was a typo. But that's a good question anyway.
> Generally speaking, I'd rather avoid any magic, so the parser should not
> add any space whatsoever. However, should it remove some?
> AFAICT, Biblatex would probably ignore spacing since it provides its own
> mechanism to separate multiple cites. I don't know about Citeproc. Maybe
> trimming prefixes and postfixes is the way to go. What would you suggest
> here?

In that case, since it was a typo, I would do as pandoc does: treat it
as a string.

The below syntax examples are more clear.

> In any case, consecutive spaces ought to be packed into a single one.
> This allows auto-filling a paragraph at a citation, e.g.,
>   Some very long explanation [cite:see @doe2020
>   pp. 12-15].
> is equivalent to
>   Some very long explanation [cite:see @doe2020 pp. 12-15]

That makes sense.


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