
"Bruce D'Arcus" <bdar...@gmail.com> writes:

> I'm not 100% sure, but I think citet meets that goal also, so Denis'
> suggestion might work.

I hadn't realised that AuthorInText was a Citeproc(-hs) interpretation
of CSL.

Anyway, Org cite syntax should:
- fully support CSL,
- allow changing globally style of cites,
- be extensible enough to support « advanced » citation markup (NatBib,
- degrade gracefully when using less advanced markup,
- be short enough

Here's a proposal for a definitive citation syntax.

This syntax implements one default cite command, and specialized (or
typed) ones.

The default citation command is, as usual:

  [cite: ... @key1...]

with allowed global pre/post strings, and a minus marker to specify
SuppressAuthor per cite. 

I assume that [cite:@key] is common enough, so bare @key is a shorthand
for it. Likewise, -@key is a shorthand for [cite:-@key].

Default citations uses the default citation style, which could be
defined globally (by a defcustom), locally (keyword, or property), or
per ".bib" file.

The syntax also provides typed citations:

  [citeX: ... @key1...]

where X stands for any alphanumeric character.

A typed citation is meant to locally override default style. Each
citation back-ends may interpret "X" type, but if they don't, "citeX"
should be treated as "cite".

For example, assuming Citeproc treats


as (Doe, 2020), then


could be interpreted as AuthorInText by Citeproc, i.e.,

  Doe (2020)



could be ignored, and therefore become

  (Doe, 2020)

Of course Biblatex may interpret it differently.

Note that the following proposal drops support for [@key1], which
I found awkward anyway.


Nicolas Goaziou

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