Hi stardiviner,

stardiviner <numbch...@gmail.com> writes:

> I tested your method, true. And I also pulled that latest ob-clojure.el 
> changes.
> Works great, I like this new method more. Thanks for your
> improvement.

Thanks for your feedback.

Also, you may have noted that the code for Clojure sessions has been
removed - I could not make it work, even in previous versions.

If you know sesman/cider better than I do and can propose to handle
sesman/cider sessions correctly, please go ahead.

By "correctly" I mean requesting the launch of a (sibling?) nREPL
process buffer when :session is set to a string.

> The clojurescript support has a ~:target~ header argument to tell CIDER this 
> is a
> clojurescript code, I don't know CIDER internal much, but CIDER eval should 
> eval
> in a ClojureScript corresponding REPL.

Yes, what I meant was that for now ":target cljs" won't let you start
a nREPL unless you are in a ClojureScript project.

cider-jack-in-cljs will ask for the cljs method (figwheel-main, etc.)
but if your org file is in, e.g., an empty directory, there is no such
cljs configuration file.


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