Hi Stardiviner,

stardiviner <numbch...@gmail.com> writes:

> About this patch, last night, I try to test ob-clojurescript eval with CIDER
> connection. But no luck, the ClojureScript REPL connection always failed to
> start. I have problem on CIDER. So I have a request that can you take a test.
> Because on my side, ~(cider-current-connection "cljs")~ returns ~nil~ unable 
> to
> test.

I was able to execute #+begin_src clojurescript source blocks only
when the containing Org file is itself within a project where cider
knows how to launch a clojurescript nrepl.  This is what I tried to
convey in the ORG-NEWS entry:

  You can now use =#+begin_src clojurescript= and execute
  ClojureScript code from Org files.  You will need to put the file in
  an directory from where ClojureScript knows how to start a nrepl
  connection: e.g.  you can put your Org file at the root of a
  figwheel-main directory.

> I think this patch should work. Just for confirm.

There was no patch attached to your email, can you resend it?



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