Bastien <b...@gnu.org> writes: > Hi Stardiviner, > > stardiviner <numbch...@gmail.com> writes: > >> About this patch, last night, I try to test ob-clojurescript eval with CIDER >> connection. But no luck, the ClojureScript REPL connection always failed to >> start. I have problem on CIDER. So I have a request that can you take a test. >> Because on my side, ~(cider-current-connection "cljs")~ returns ~nil~ unable >> to >> test. > > I was able to execute #+begin_src clojurescript source blocks only > when the containing Org file is itself within a project where cider > knows how to launch a clojurescript nrepl. This is what I tried to > convey in the ORG-NEWS entry: > > You can now use =#+begin_src clojurescript= and execute > ClojureScript code from Org files. You will need to put the file in > an directory from where ClojureScript knows how to start a nrepl > connection: e.g. you can put your Org file at the root of a > figwheel-main directory. I use CIDER (sesman) keybinding =[C-c C-s d]= on ob-clojure src block to link current buffer directory to CIDER REPL session. I guess this should work for ClojureScript src block too. > > There was no patch attached to your email, can you resend it? > You already applied patches. I already checked latest master of Org Mode source code. - -- [ stardiviner ] I try to make every word tell the meaning what I want to express. Blog: https://stardiviner.github.io/ IRC(freenode): stardiviner, Matrix: stardiviner GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQFIBAEBCAAyFiEE8J9lDX1nSBmJJZFAG13xyVromsMFAl5GuZEUHG51bWJjaGls ZEBnbWFpbC5jb20ACgkQG13xyVromsNd9wf7BNRVjn52wjYJtO+FEZXXfoWFuhZg qCYqd6LhWL8tC3/aLEYmomWD0nLyz4QzOsxD9hliRRl1KNc+JYTRU9b5Si901l23 FPQQdGWxX6LqdRPx9TUg4IToo1AM1qNfRnZXq4lDvpDgO/NxWldeF14681RkgM16 W3OLa5FnW3eHxsLrFf7OIbxKyQRlT8W+GSx7GTaQgbZanKB8Z16mIZ9GYAl97VA9 nbUNg6SjddWmzwoDihAl3f+LLSKjtdTN+jeSeL2RNr/w/1dm6rjpCJKvCxTTmbV8 ruo6AAfvtP1msKvwGHpyoO9MhmqWMIAg+U+HVjk09baZVx2dxLox/YVrbg== =cFe+ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----