Hi Mohamed,

On 2019-04-24 at 21:32 +0200, Mohamed Wael Khobalatte
<wael.khobala...@gmail.com> wrote...
> Does anyone know how I can get my Apple calendar to show up in
> org-mode as readonly (preferably)? I had no luck with org-mac-iCal.

There are several tools named ical2org - different languages, implementations, 
and/or forks. I used to use one of them when I was on OS X and it worked well 
for me.

I'm not on OS X anymore but use something called "ical2orgpy" that downloads 
ICS files from Google and Outlook (and could from iCloud I think?) and converts 
them to read-only Org buffers. The top line is

-*- eval: (eval (progn (auto-revert-mode 1) (read-only-mode 1))); -*-

So they are read-only and Emacs updates them when the buffer gets changed on 
disk w/o any questions.


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