Mohamed Wael Khobalatte <> writes:
> Hi guys, I posted a question to the Emacs StackExchange
> (,
> but I believe it's better asked here. Does anyone know how I can get
> my Apple calendar to show up in org-mode as readonly (preferably)?

Coincidentally, I just went through this exercise myself.

I fixed a couple of issues in icalevents[1] and then worked out how to
get the calendar details from database that the Mac actually uses to
track the calendars. I wrote icaldiary[2] to extract events from my
calendar(s) and create an emacs “diary” file which Org reads quite

> I had no luck with org-mac-iCal. Only one calendar (the Birthdays
> calendar) shows up, eventhough all other calendars are *checked*, as
> the documentation from that package requires. It is also rather old,
> so not sure if it works anymore?

Yeah, I found the same problem. I think that Apple stopped storing the
active calendar data in the plist files that org-mac-iCal checks. They
moved it into the cache which they store with sqlite3.

Hoping this is helpful…

                                        Be seeing you,


Norman Walsh <> | Throughout history the world has been            | laid waste to ensure the triumph of
                              | conceptions that are now as dead as the
                              | men that died for them.--Henry De
                              | Montherlant

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