On Saturday,  1 Dec 2018 at 16:23, Carlos Pita wrote:
> The idea is that stuff that is very specific to a backend X would be
> in :attrs_X, but stuff that is related to what makes the block
> semantically special could be in :args. 

And this is where the challenge lies!  The whole point of special blocks is 
that org knows nothing of their semantics.  They are a "black box" and it would 
be difficult to identify export specific elements and general elements on this 

> Nevertheless special blocks will probably be backend specific in most
> cases.

Many but not all.  And hence the difficulty.

Sorry for being negative.  I sympathize fully with your aims as I use special 
blocks all the time and don't particularly like the attr lines either.  But I 
see no general solution to this.

Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.1.14-1035-gfeb442

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