
Carlos Pita <carlosjosep...@gmail.com> writes:

> One thing the core parser could do is to put the remaining of the
> opening line of a special block into an :args or similar property of
> the special block element, leaving it otherwise unparsed.

I thought about it a long time ago. However, I could not, and still
cannot, find an interesting use case for it in Org. This is a good
indicator that we do not need the feature.

> This is in the same spirit than what it already do for the affiliated
> attrs_X element.

Not really. 

For source blocks, arguments on the same line as the opening string
"BEGIN_SRC" are treated as a "HEADER" affiliated argument, which is
specific to Babel. OTOH, although almost every element type can have
affiliated keywords, only a small part could accept such "special
parameters". In a nutshell, this isn't symmetrical.

> It's not a lot of help but it would at least spare
> backends from having to parse the remaining of the opening line as
> I did.

So far, none of our back-ends need this, even though they are relatively

So, we could use the room there if one day, we need it for something,
but until then, I don't think we should extend syntax just because we
can do it.


Nicolas Goaziou

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