
Emmanuel Charpentier <emm.charpent...@free.fr> writes:

> As of today, I note that the #+langiage export variable is no longer
> honored when exporting to LaTeX/PDF. See enclosed files :
> - #+language:fr should get me a table of contents entitled "Table des 
>   matières" ;
> - #+ the Latex file has "pdflang={Frenchb}}" in a \hypersetup call, 
>   but nothing even remotely babel-related (i. e. nothing related to the
>   LaTeX package babel, which isn't loaded...)
> - the PDF file has a table of contents entitled "Contents".

I cannot reproduce your problem. You may try again with a minimal
configuration, or with development version, which is very stable at this


Nicolas Goaziou

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