As of today, I note that the #+langiage export variable is no longer
honored when exporting to LaTeX/PDF. See enclosed files :

- #+language:fr should get me a table of contents entitled "Table des 
  matières" ;

- #+ the Latex file has "pdflang={Frenchb}}" in a \hypersetup call, 
  but nothing even remotely babel-related (i. e. nothing related to the
  LaTeX package babel, which isn't loaded...)

- the PDF file has a table of contents entitled "Contents".


Emmanuel Charpentier

# Vérification d'un loup possible sur #+language...
#+title: Option "Language" ?
#+author: Emmanuel Charpentier
#+date: novembre 2018
#+language: fr

* Pique


* Et pique

Autre baratin

* Et colegram...

Troisième baratin...

# Il y a bien un loup : la table des matières est intitulée
# "Contents"...

Attachment: TstLanguage.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

% Created 2018-11-25 dim. 16:45
% Intended LaTeX compiler: pdflatex
\author{Emmanuel Charpentier}
\date{novembre 2018}
\title{Option "Language" ?}
 pdfauthor={Emmanuel Charpentier},
 pdftitle={Option "Language" ?},
 pdfcreator={Emacs 25.2.2 (Org mode 9.1.14)}, 




\section{Et pique}

Autre baratin

\section{Et colegram\ldots{}}

Troisième baratin\ldots{}

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