
Sven Bretfeld schrieb:
> a mobile PIM device coping with the information of an org file. Since
> Emacs on a mobile device is always problematic

I use a G1 and with its excellent ssh client (connectbot) it lets me
use a remote emacs session. It's actually possible to review my agenda
and tick tasks off, but editing them is a bit troublesome, as my usual
keybindings won't work over a remote connection.

So I'd agree it's problematic.

> one has to resort to import and
> export filters, at least I think so.

I currently export my schedule to google calendar with org's icalendar
export. But I have to manually upload the ics file, so I'd prefer a
solution that interfaces with google directly, such as an Integration
of T.V. Rahman's google-client code for emacs with org-mode. I didn't
get around to look at that code yet. (It's part of the emacspeak
package, but can be downloaded separately.)

I don't have a solution for todo items yet. It looks like it should be
possible to integrate org-mode with remember the milk, which in turn
has a good client for android (called Astrid). Somebody has apparently
started a remember the milk integration with org-mode, but it looks
like the project has stopped in a very early stage. (as evidenced by
http://github.com/avdi/org-rtm/tree/master). Of course direct
synchronisation with a todo-manager would be even better, and
possible, since Astrid is free software too

So I currently have no solution that really satisfies me, but several
possible future solutions.

        Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs <frie...@nomaden.org>
                             TauPan on Ircnet and Freenode ;)

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