On 18 Mar 2009 23:43:58 +0100
"Sven Bretfeld" <sven.bretf...@gmx.ch> wrote:

> Hello to all
> Is there any complete and secure import and export filter from org files
> to any other PIM format used on PDAs or mobiles? If not, this would seem to
> me the most important feature to be developed.
> If you are like me -- and I think most people on this list are -- your
> whole life is organized with the help of org-mode. It's crucial to have
> a mobile PIM device coping with the information of an org file. Since
> Emacs on a mobile device is always problematic (I tried Asus Eee [too
> large, start-up too slow], Openmoko [too small qwerty-keyboards, too
> slow, battery life-time too short]), one has to resort to import and
> export filters, at least I think so.

My solution is the other way round. I won't buy or use any mobile device
 without emacs :-)

At the moment I'm using a Sharp Zaurus 860 and an EEE. The EEE is a bit large
 and boots too slow, yes, so I converted back to my Zaurus for commuting. 
Org-mode is surprisingly agile on such a small device. Especially since
a real Ubuntu, even 9.04 beta,  is available for the Zaurus, this is the
 machine I always wanted.
I have Emacs/Latex/xpdf (/xboard/gnugo)  and anything else on one small and 
cheap SD-card.
Just cool :-)


> How do you people handle that problem?
> Greetings,
> Sven
> -- 
> Sven Bretfeld
> CERES -- CEntrum für REligionswissenschaftliche Studien
> Ruhr-Universität Bochum 
> Universitätsstraße 150 
> D-44780 Bochum
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