On Wednesday, 10 Oct 2018 at 08:31, Tim Cross wrote:


> One of the most common mistakes I see when people start using latex as
> the basis for document generation is ad hoc tweaking of the
> style. This is an unfortunate consequence of most of us being exposed
> to traditional word processors such as MS Word or Libre Office.

I agree with everything you said in your post.  

The first thing I tell my students when they start working in my group (i.e., 
after telling them that I expect all writing to be done in LaTeX...) is "to go 
with the flow" and not try to fight the system.  LaTeX know better than them 
what is a good layout for text.  Their concern should be the content.

Most listen but there's always one that insists that they have a better idea of 
what looks good... and you can imagine the result. ;-)

So, yes, my advice as well is to find a LaTeX document class that does what you 
want and go with it.  Minor tweaks are of course always possible but anything 
else should be avoided except for very special cases.  YMMV, of course.

And I highly recommend the koma-script classes as opposed to the default LaTeX 
ones.  For Sharon, the scrreprt class may be what you want.

Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.1.11-620-ga548e4

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