On Monday,  8 Oct 2018 at 10:56, Sharon Kimble wrote:
> My finished output in the pdf will have every line indented/tabbed to 4
> spaces and have a carriage-return at the end of each paragraph, with no
> spacings in between paragraphs.
> I can get it how I want in org-mode, but when its exported to latex and
> converted into a pdf file, the whole section comes out in one block of
> text!

Both LaTeX and org define new paragraphs by a blank line.   Spaces at the start 
of a line only have meaning, in org, if the lines are part of a list (and never 
mean anything in LaTeX).

I am not sure exactly what you want to achieve so it is difficult to suggest 
anything.  Try separating your paragraphs with empty lines to see how much 
closer this gets you to what you want.


Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.1.13-894-gf79545

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