On Friday 06 March 2009, Ian Barton wrote:
> > First of all, I do not control in any way what gets on Worg.
> > Bastien set up Worg as user-edited content, and this is what
> > it should be.
> >
> > If you aks my opinion, I think your tutorial is *exactly* what
> > Worg was made for!  I have not studied it in detail, but
> > it looks useful, addresses a subject that has almost become
> > a FAQ.  And if it is up on Worg, bugs will be fixed
> > and improvements made.
> >
> > So please feel free to add your tutorial to Worg.
> > The best place would be the org-tutorial directory, and
> > you should then make a link from the index.org in that
> > same directory.  After pushing, it will take 1.5 hours or
> > less to appear on the web.
> OK, it's now on Worg.

I can't find it (I'm rather new to all this).

One thing that confused me is that I tried to work with two machines, 
without a server. Figuring git is distributed, I thought I do not need a 
server, and I tried to follow the tutorial. Obviously, I got hit when I 
performed a 'git push' onto a non-bare repository (now I know what these 
things mean ;).
I now know not to use 'push' and can get along fine with just 'pull'-ing. I 
think the tutorial might be better if you either mention how to work 
without a server, or just put a big note not to push onto a non-server 
branch (There is a note there, but it was probably not big enough for me ;)

Thanks for a great tutorial. You made me cross the git barrier. Once I'm on 
the other side, nothing would take me back (same way I felt about org-mode 
after seeing Russell Adams' video).


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