Ian Barton <li...@manor-farm.org> writes:

> Mark Elston wrote:
>> Just a note.  Be careful of the use of colors.  For example,
>> you have quoted strings in yellow in section 3.3.  This color
>> makes the strings almost invisible on my screen.  This makes
>> it hard to read.
>> Also, is there a single-page or pdf version of this material?
> Mark,
> Sorry about the yellow I hadn't noticed it. I am trying to fix it, but
> it seems to be defeating my very limited css skills. The css generated
> by org is:
> <pre class="src src-emacs-shell">
> *~
> </pre>
> <pre class="src src-emacs-shell">
> bzr add *.org
> </pre>
> In my stylesheet I am trying things like:
> pre.src {
>       font-style: bold;
>       color: black;
> }
> span.src-emacs-shell {color: black;}
> However, I can't get the span (which should affect the quoted text) to
> work. I would appreciate it if someone could point me in the righ
> direction.
> Once I have sorted this I will generate a PDF version.

The span has a hardcoded style element which specifies the colour

<span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 85);">"Imported sources."</span>

I don't think you will be able to override that with CSS.  You need to
somehow remove the embedded style from the exported source.


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