Message: 14
Date: Fri, 18 May 2018 12:01:22 +0200
From: Joseph Vidal-Rosset <>
To: emacs-orgmode list <>
Subject: Re: [O] export to odt with LaTeX math formulae and tables
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

Dear Edgar,

Thanks for your help on the export of bibliography for docx or odt. I am
going to persist in trying to succeed it.

One is glad to be of help :) ;) .

About proof.sty, really there is not the least problem from org-mode to latex, everything is smoothly exported and the final pdf document is really nice (with the really pretty smfart.class
[[]] that I advice.)

I will try that. Thanks.

No,  my problem  is only  with the  export of  these proof  to odt,

Oh, I know!

Authorea fails also (that is the main reason why I gave up Authorea, which seems to me being a nice project, but not complete enough and
therefore unfortunately  useless for me).

I'm sorry if I mislead you: the only thing that I recommended was the LaTeXML style from them. I don't know what Authorea is, actually.

The  only reasonable solutions
seems to me the png export from a succeeding org export to an odt file.

This is by far the quickest solution, and if you don't care about having others modify your equations in the ODT, go for it! I would even send a compressed file with the Org and other required files (.bib, .png, etc.).

I make no promises, but I will try to make a template for you that can export tables and equations (on my machine)

Best wishes,


I wish you the best of luck on this :) .


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