Hi Austin,
since you want to use the same semantics as for deadlines, i.e. the
same warning period etc, this really is a psychological issue :-)
It is trouble to implement a new keyword or number of keywords. New
commands needed to insert this new keyowrd, for example, and many
regular expressions to generalize. What I would do if I was bothered
by this would be
(setq org-deadline-string "DUE:")
which captures both the colors of DEADLINE and GOAL pretty well, I
In fact, I wish I had made this the default from beginning,
a much shorter and nicer word. Now it is too late to change this, I
am afraid.....
- Carsten
On Mar 8, 2009, at 4:36 PM, Austin Frank wrote:
Hi all!
Currently we can use the DEADLINE keyword to indicate a target date
an item to be finished. By my way of thinking, deadlines make sense
externally imposed constraints. I also try to set goals for myself
when an item will be completed. These are softer than deadlines, but
I think they could share the same semantics for creation, display, and
Would it be possible to make `org-deadline-string' a list of strings
that get handled in the same way as DEADLINE is currently handled?
way I could do things like
* TODO write first chapter
GOAL: <2009-03-09 Mon>
* TODO submit manuscript
GOAL: <2009-05-15 Fri>
DEADLINE: <2009-06-01 Mon>
Where the first represents my own planning process and the second
contains my target completion date (trying to work ahead!) and the
constraint imposed by whoever I'm submitting to. In all cases, I'd
agenda notification as the date approaches, I'd like to know if I've
passed it by, and I'd like the option of including it in ical export.
Or maybe I should just learn to treat my GOALs like DEADLINEs and stop
letting myself off the hook so easily ;)
Do other people think about things this way? Would you have a use for
a customizable list of keywords that all had the same semantics that
DEADLINE currently has?
Thanks for considering it,
Austin Frank
GPG Public Key (D7398C2F): http://aufrank.net/personal.asc
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