On Sun, 08 Mar 2009 11:36:57 -0400, Austin Frank wrote:

> Hi all!
> Currently we can use the DEADLINE keyword to indicate a target date for
> an item to be finished.  By my way of thinking, deadlines make sense for
> externally imposed constraints.  I also try to set goals for myself for
> when an item will be completed.  These are softer than deadlines, but I
> think they could share the same semantics for creation, display, and
> export.
> Would it be possible to make `org-deadline-string' a list of strings
> that get handled in the same way as DEADLINE is currently handled?  That
> way I could do things like
> * TODO write first chapter
>   GOAL:  <2009-03-09 Mon>
> * TODO submit manuscript
>   GOAL:  <2009-05-15 Fri>
>   DEADLINE:  <2009-06-01 Mon>
> Where the first represents my own planning process and the second
> contains my target completion date (trying to work ahead!) and the hard
> constraint imposed by whoever I'm submitting to.  In all cases, I'd like
> agenda notification as the date approaches, I'd like to know if I've
> passed it by, and I'd like the option of including it in ical export.
> Or maybe I should just learn to treat my GOALs like DEADLINEs and stop
> letting myself off the hook so easily ;)
> Do other people think about things this way?  Would you have a use for a
> customizable list of keywords that all had the same semantics that
> DEADLINE currently has?
> Thanks for considering it,
> /au

I think this sounds like something I've wished for since I first found 
out about org-mode. Thank you for analysing it so succinctly.

I would use this if it could be done.


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