Hi Scott,

in info-view-mode the title is by default in the first section to avoid

But you may pull the latest version and append '_title-above' to the
`view:' option, to leave it above regardless of view-mode.

#+INFOJS_OPT: view:info_title-above
#+INFOJS_OPT: view:plain_title-above

Best Regards,


Scott Randby <sran...@uakron.edu> writes:
> Sebastian Rose wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> this is fixed now in v.
> Thanks, it works. I do have some suggestions for the title.
> 1. Unfortunately, I cannot use the ftoc:t option. For reasons I won't
> go into here, I cannot have the table of contents displayed on one
> side of the page. If I use ftoc:t, then the table of contents will
> always be displayed at the top which is not what I need.
> What I need is for the title to be independent of the table of contents.
> 2. I like the idea of having the title always visible in
> info-view-mode. However, others may not. Is it possible to add a title
> display option to the code? That way the user could decide which
> option to use. Maybe something like this:

> To always display the title in info-view-mode, add the following to
> the org file:
> #+INFOJS_OPT: infotitledisplay:always
> To never display the title in info-view-mode, add the following to the org 
> file:
> #+INFOJS_OPT: infotitledisplay:never
> To only display the title above the table of contents in
> info-view-mode, add the following to the org file:
> #+INFOJS_OPT: infotitledisplay:top
> I think the default should be either "infotitledisplay:always" or
> "infotitledisplay:top" with my preference being
> "infotitledisplay:always". In plain-view-mode it makes sense to me to
> have the title at the top, I don't see any need to have title display
> options for this mode.
> Unfortunately, my knowledge of Javascript is very limited, so I'm not
> able to write the code for these options at this time. But I'd be
> happy to test any changes you make.
> Scott
>> As always, the script is available on repo_or_cz:
>> http://repo.or.cz/w/Worg.git?a=blob_plain;f=code/org-info-js/org-info.js;hb=e11bc7fe538a513d899f4d006bf5f887f35dd8ce
>> Regards,
>>   Sebastian
>> Sebastian Rose <sebastian_r...@gmx.de> writes:
>>> Hi Scott,
>>> thanks for the report.
>>> The handling of the title is one of the weak points of the script
>>> (another one being the text before first headline).
>>> The reason might be, that I was never sure what to do with it in
>>> info-view-mode, plain-view-mode, TOC hidden, TOC.
>>> In info-view-mode, the title is displayed on top as `Top: title', which
>>> is not what one might expect.
>>> Look at http://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.php - there the title is always
>>> visible (fixed toc).
>>> Should we do it that way?
>>> As the docs say, the slides mode is very experimental...
>>> Regards,
>>>    Sebastian
>>> sran...@uakron.edu writes:
>>>> Hi again,
>>>> Sorry for the multiple messages.
>>>> I just noticed one other thing. When I go from slide mode to plain mode, 
>>>> the
>>>> full table of contents will not be displayed unless I reload the page.
>>>> Scott Randby
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