Hi Scott,

thanks for the report.

The handling of the title is one of the weak points of the script
(another one being the text before first headline).

The reason might be, that I was never sure what to do with it in
info-view-mode, plain-view-mode, TOC hidden, TOC.

In info-view-mode, the title is displayed on top as `Top: title', which
is not what one might expect.

Look at http://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.php - there the title is always
visible (fixed toc).

Should we do it that way?

As the docs say, the slides mode is very experimental...



sran...@uakron.edu writes:
> Hi again,
> Sorry for the multiple messages.
> I just noticed one other thing. When I go from slide mode to plain mode, the
> full table of contents will not be displayed unless I reload the page.
> Scott Randby
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