Sebastian Rose <> writes:

> docbook is great since it's widely used. 

Yes, DocBook has been adopted by many organizations in different areas
in the past years.  Once we have a good exporter for DocBook, we
basically build a bridge for exporting Org files to all other formats.

> The output looks good!
> How could we test it?
> And could we configure it somehow?

On how to set up a DocBook publishing environment, you can take a look
at the following page:

I used xsltproc + FOP before, but now I use Saxon + FOP.

> Anyway, I'd prefere to export to _one_ XML format from Org-mode and
> provide xslt stylesheets to translate between different formats.

I totally agree!  We only need one XML exporter, and I think DocBook is
the way to go.


> That way we all would concentrate on one XML exporter (e.g. the XHTML
> exporter) and could provide xslt stylesheets to transform the output.
> This would guaranty a slitely more complete and bugfree export, which is
> configured from one org-publish-project-alist.
> Regards,
>    Sebastian
> Dale Smith <> writes:
>> Baoqiu Cui <> writes:
>>> The only thing that is missing (at least to me) in current Org-mode is
>>> the exporter for DocBook format.
>> There is quite a bit of similarity between org and muse formats.  I've
>> found that I can edit .muse files in org-mode and stiil publish to
>> docbook.
>>> During the last week (mainly during the last weekend), I wrote some code
>>> to export Org files to DocBook V5.0 format, and everything looks very
>>> promising (I have to admit that a lot of work still needs to be done to
>>> make the code complete and stable) .
>> Looks pretty good to me.  I'm ready to ty it out!
>> -Dale

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