Sebastian Rose <> writes:

> Gour <> writes:
>> Otoh, number of tags in DocBook is overwhelming and, imgo, way too
>> distracting for most documentation tasks, at least, for *my* use-cases.
> It is, and that's exactly why the DocBook export is such a great thing. 
> You could say a similar thing about (valid) XHTML, LaTeX, reST -
> whatever markup you're not familiar with.
> With the DocBook exporter, learning DocBook is reduced to pressing `C-c
> C-e' and choose the right option ;-)

And that's one of the reasons I would like a docbook exporter.

I see myself with two usage patterns.  One is where I keep the file in
org (or muse) format, and export to docbook and eventually pdf for
external consumption.  The other is where I use org (or muse) to
"start" the docbook file, and then continue to edit the docbook.  This
is because docbook is so much richer than any wiki format, and I want
to take advantage of what's there.


Dale P. Smith
216-447-4059 x2018
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