Carsten Dominik <> writes:

> This looks interesting.  Do you have application examples?

Only the one I mentioned in the original message so far. It just wraps
the hole page into a table like this:

  | Title              |
  | toc | sections..   |
  |     |              |
  |     |              |
  |     postamble      |

But I can think of hundreds of applications:

  * It would be easy to add a logo to the title bar,
  * or some debug information to footer for local testing.
  * But no such debug info for the public export to the internet.
  * you're google search on
  * some PHP-functions one might want to execute, e.g. to include
     + a tag cloud
     + additional navigations
     + count visitors
     + track the movement of visitors
     + include a shop system  - just kidding :-D
  * Clean view of the *.org files. No more
       @<ul class="external-menu"....
    to include standard stuff, common for all pages.
  * TODO: add the 94 missing applications here

Maybe the settings could be augmented/overwritten on per file basis too?


Sebastian Rose, EMMA STIL - mediendesign, Niemeyerstr.6, 30449 Hannover
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