Just in case you missed the recent changes:

   Org-mode > 6.23 (commit a68eb4b1e64cbe6e495fdd2c1eaf8ae597bf8602)
   introduces a new HTML container, that wraps everything inside
   `<body>'. That container has the ID `content' applied.

   * YOU'LL HAVE TO UPGRADE org-info.js too, if you use it. The version
     number in the 3rd line of the script *must* be

     to work with the new export version.
   * This version is backward compatible with elder versions of
     Org-mode. No need to re-publish everything.

  * The new container now makes it possible, to include the `content'
    into any page and still have a working info-view-mode, folding,
    searching and so on.

  * Multiple instances of org_html_manager are not supported. Also, I
    don't plan to support multiple instances in the future.


Sebastian Rose, EMMA STIL - mediendesign, Niemeyerstr.6, 30449 Hannover
Tel.:  +49 (0)511 - 36 58 472
Fax:   +49 (0)1805 - 233633 - 11044
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Http:  www.emma-stil.de

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