
dchechi...@gmail.com writes:

> Since I upgrade to org-9.1.1, the export to S5 HTML seems not to work
> whereas it used to work before this upgrade.
> I have the following message :
> "format: Symbol's function definition is void: org-html-end-plain-list"
> I use GNU Emacs 25.1.1 (x86_64-w64-mingw32).
> Do someone as the same problem ? Is there something wrong in my configuration 
> ?

It looks like org-html-end-plain-list was removed in 8855c23c6 (ox-html:
Plain list supports arbitrary attributes, 2017-02-13).  ox-s5.el needs
to be adjusted accordingly (essentially following the changes that
8855c23c6 made to org-html-plain-list, I think).  Would you like to
submit a patch?


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