>>>>> "KM" == Kaushal Modi <kaushal.m...@gmail.com> writes:

KM> If we are able the release the new packaging method in emacs 26.x, then we
KM> can remove org from emacs master completely, but if not, then at least as
KM> backup we have a newer org version to go out with that release.

For Emacs 26, I intend the new ELPA process to be in place, whereby "default"
packages can be developed separately, and declare a way to get slip-streamed
into the release tarball so users are unaware of the separate nature of their

The CEDET developers have agreed to support this, and it sounds like you are
willing to as well. If Lars is game, I'd like for Gnus to be third major
package we do this for initially. That will reduce considerably the number of
external files we track in Emacs.git.

The precise technical details have yet to be worked out, but it shouldn't be
too difficult. Phillip Lord has already began advance work on alternatives,
and I've received offers of help from others to work on this new process.

I think now is a good time to begin. The first step is to solidify what is
meant by "tarball EPLA", and the means of slip-streaming a package's contents.
This will require at least two bits:

  - Some form of declaration to indicate how external files should appear in
    the tarball. In order for the first version of this scheme to be as low
    impact as possible, this should probably be done with a sexp in a data
    file, to be checked in alongside the EPLA.git import of the project.

  - changes to "make dist" to integrate these files, and setup autoloading so
    their inclusion is transparent to end users.

Please comment with your recommendations for the first, and supporting changes
for the second, if anyone has ideas. Phillip, how is your work on these coming

John Wiegley                  GPG fingerprint = 4710 CF98 AF9B 327B B80F
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