
Kaushal Modi <kaushal.m...@gmail.com> writes:

> I am aware that in emacs 26, there are plans to change the way in how
> certain packages can be moved out of the emacs master and still can be
> installed seamlessly using the tarballs of those.


> Currently the org-mode version in emacs master is 8.2.10 and that it too
> old (> 2 years, ref: http://orgmode.org/cgit.cgi/org-mode.git/refs/). The
> current stable version of org-mode is 9.0.4 (released yesterday).
> At the time of releasing emacs 25.1, the org-mode in emacs master could
> have been synced up with the then 1.5 years newer and stable version of org
> (probably 8.3.5 or 8.3.6). But that got missed due to some reason.

*AFAIR* it was too late and would thus not have received enough test from
the general Emacs community.

> As a precaution that that does not repeat when emacs 26.x is released,
> should the org version in emacs master be synced with the now latest stable
> org version 9.0.4?


> If we are able the release the new packaging method in emacs 26.x, then we
> can remove org from emacs master completely, but if not, then at least as
> backup we have a newer org version to go out with that release.

What is the current status?  I am a bit confused about the policy at this
point.  I'm happy to try to update master to 9.0.4, but I was somehow
under the impression that we were waiting for a solution to include ELPA
packages in the Emacs tarball.


However beautiful the theory, one should occasionally look at the evidence

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