On Mon, 26 Jan 2009 17:16:17 -0400
John Wiegley <jo...@newartisans.com> wrote:

> I've been wanting a simple method for managing dependent tasks for  
> some time now, and only now did it occur to me that I could just  
> implement a much simpler method using your current blocking mechanism.
> The attached file, confusingly named org-depends.el, implements the  
> following scheme:
>   1. Any TODO which has incomplete child TODOs is blocked.
>   2. If a parent TODO has the ORDERED property, it's children must be
>      completed in order.  Undone siblings block later siblings.
>   3. Blocked items are greyed out in the agenda list.
> John

This sounds like a sensible approach that would cover most my needs for
dependencies between TODOs

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