On Jan 27, 2009, at 2:18 AM, Jesse Alama wrote:

Oliver Charles <oliver.g.char...@googlemail.com> writes:

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 05:16:17PM -0400, John Wiegley wrote:
I've been wanting a simple method for managing dependent tasks for some time now, and only now did it occur to me that I could just implement a
much simpler method using your current blocking mechanism.

The attached file, confusingly named org-depends.el, implements the
following scheme:

[ ... ]

This is very cool and I'm immediately in love with it! I'll let you
know if I have any problems, but it seems like it just works. Neat.

Any chance of putting this into the org codebase (if not as one of the
core modules, then as a contrib module)?

Anything John sends my way gets a pretty good chance at that :-)

- Carsten


Jesse Alama (al...@stanford.edu)

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