Josiah Schwab <> writes: > Hello John, > >> I have been trying to produce my first presentation using org-mode and >> ox-beamer export to create a pdf. I am not seeing separate frames for >> each slide. For example, using the Beamer Example (12.5.6) from the >> org-mode manual, I get the following generated .tex file. >> >> There are only \subsection{} generated, instead of the \begin{frame} >> that is expected. > > To me, this looks like you used the LaTeX export commands instead of the > beamer export commands. > > > > Best, > Josiah > Josiah:
Thank you, that was the issue. I was using C-c C-e to invoke the export and didn't realise I had to activate the Beamer entries in the dispatcher display. It is working as expected now. John -- +---------------------------------------------+ | John W. Burroughs, P. Eng. | keyid 966D6DD1 | +---------------------------------------------+