I have been trying to produce my first presentation using org-mode and
ox-beamer export to create a pdf.  I am not seeing separate frames for
each slide.  For example, using the Beamer Example (12.5.6) from the
org-mode manual, I get the following generated .tex file.

% Created 2016-02-22 Mon 12:57
\author{Carsten Dominik}
\title{Example Presentation}
 pdfauthor={Carsten Dominik},
 pdftitle={Example Presentation},
 pdfcreator={Emacs 24.5.2 (Org mode 8.3.3)},


\section{This is the first structural section}

\subsection{Frame 1}
\item Thanks to Eric Fraga\hfill{}\textsc{B\_block}
for the first viable Beamer setup in Org
\item Thanks to everyone else:B\(_{\text{block}}\):
for contributing to the discussion
\item This will be formatted as a beamer note\hfill{}\textsc{B\_note}
\subsection{Frame 2 (where we will not use columns)}
\item Request
Please test this stuff!

There are only \subsection{} generated, instead of the \begin{frame}
that is expected.

Any suggestions what might be wrong.

I am using: GNU Emacs 24.5.2
            Org-mode version 8.3.3 (8.3.3-43-g0b97a5-elpa @
            TeX 3.14159265 (TeX Live 2015/Debian)
            Linux 4.2.0-27-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 22 04:48:15
            UTC 2016

Many thanks

| John W. Burroughs, P. Eng. | keyid 966D6DD1 |

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