Mark Edgington <> writes:

> On Dec 21, 2015 5:14 AM, "Vaidheeswaran C" <
>> wrote:
>> Note: I would like to ensure that the file moves out of it's current
>> obscure place in contrib/lisp of Orgmode to a more visible place like
>> GNU ELPA before I expend any efforts on improving it.
> Why is ELPA less obscure than org-contrib?  It would seem that every org
> mode installation (e.g. Ubuntu packages) will include the org-contrib
> source files, though they aren't enabled by default.  Not including then in
> org-contrib will effectively remove them from all debian based Linux
> distributions, and from git based installations..
> ELPA is a fine place for it, but does it require for it to not be in
> contrib?

This is a long discussion.

Some people, e.g. Bastien, think that "contrib" should be discontinued (my
interpretation, hopefully faithful) in favor or GELPA or maybe Org-ELPA.
Others, e.g. me, like to have "batteries included".  This means keeping as
much as possible in, preferably, "lisp", or at least "contrib".

As such, the best outcome would be if Vaidheeswaran/Jamuthuan would
maintain it in "lisp".  My understanding is that there is no issues on the
FSF/copyright side.  I don’t know what the opinion of the Org developers
are, though.

In this case, moving ox-freemind to GELPA might be the path of least
resistance.  As such, it seems like a good solution.


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