
Mark Edgington <edgi...@gmail.com> writes:

> I have in the past used the org-freemind-to-org-mode function, which
> is no longer included in org-mode.  It used to be part of
> org-freemind.el file (see
> http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git?p=org-mode.git;a=blob_plain;f=lisp/org-freemind.el;hb=8f49547aaf0f9396f2a0bcfb25ce2c33be5e91fd
> ).
> I have since tried this function, and it does still work, so I am
> wondering if we could add it back into the org-mode source tree.  I am
> attaching a stripped-down version of org-freemind.el in which most of
> the code that is irrelevant to org-freemind-to-org-mode has been
> removed.

org-freeming.el was replaced with ox-freeming.el, in contrib directory.
You may want to contact its author (which may not read this list) and
discuss if it would be possible to include the feature in that library

Otherwise, you can build a new converter package and submit it to ELPA
or contrib (although I tend to think the former is better).


Nicolas Goaziou

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