In writing ox-md-pandoc, I ad occasion to translate org-reveal's spearker note syntax into html . It revived an older concern of mine, that ox-reveal and ox-deck have different ways of representing near-identical features within org.
** Speaker notes Speaker notes are represented thus for export to reveal.js: #+BEGIN_NOTES Here are my awesome notes #+END_NOTES and for export to deck.js: * Notes :note: Here are my awesome notes ------------- ** incremental lists/elements incrementally-shown elements are produced thus in reveal: ** My Slide Header #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (appear) - list 1 is one click away - list 2 is two clicks away and in deck: * My Slide Header :Properties: :STEP: t :END: - list 1 is one click away - list 2 is two clicks away ------------ I think the two exporters should use the same syntax! I especially think that any future exporters should use a single, unified syntax, and that the older exporters should eventualyl be changed to support that new syntax. And finally, I think the new syntax should be as simple as humanly possible. So I'd like to suggest that the community decide on the best way forward. I don't really have an opinion as to which method is better; in fact, I imagine there's probably a method tjat is better and simpler than any that have been developed thus far. Certianly I think what he have right now is pretty awkward But I think it's worth figuring out what we want to do, and then implementing it. And once we've done that, it wil lbe easier for me to add the proper functionality to the md-pandoc exporter, too. Thanks, Matt