"Eric Schulte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Austin Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
> Me too :) Hopefully I will continue to be able to put time into this.  I
> hope you don't mind, I've populated my TODO files with much of the text
> from your last email.  I'm keeping my development mirrored on github at
> http://github.com/eschulte/org-contrib/tree/master
> and as usual, I will be sure to post to the list if anything really good
> emerges.

Just to update.  The basic Sweave type processing of R blocks and \R{}
chunks is now working for both html and latex exporting.  Please take a
look and let me know if there are parts which aren't working as

I haven't started looking at the image creation yet.

Cheers -- Eric

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