Charles Sebold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 7 Nov 2008, Nick Dokos wrote:
> > Say, what?!? I must have missed the discussion. Can you provide a
> > reference?  Or a short introduction?
> I think I meant "custom agenda views," not "multiple agendas."  But the
> effect is much the same, it seems to me, especially if you're entirely
> changing context when you change views.
> I've got everything in my life in my org files, but if I want to just
> see work (which is frequently), I have something like this in my .emacs
> stuff:
> (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
>       '(("w" agenda "Work Agenda"
>        ((org-agenda-files '("~/org/"))))))
> Maybe I've been misunderstanding some of the discussions going on around
> here.  I don't know how long one could do that, but it's things like
> this that make org-mode act like an extension of my brain.

OK, I think I see. Thanks for the reply!


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