Hi Dennis,

"Dennis Groves (CISG)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I would also like to get the big file split out into many small files, so
> that they are easier to work with.  I want to split this up into potentially
> dozens of files in different subdirectories in my org folder. The structure
> reflects my own mental outline of course.
> Now my idea is this could agenda be made to read the subdirectories
> recursively and scan the files there in for todo's? Sorta, like a compile?
> Or could I have a single file that is simply a list of all the files to look
> into in order to create my agenda?

are you aware of the shortcut
   C-c C-[
It adds any Org-file to your agenda files. Your agenda is automatically
compiled from all those 'agenda files'.

Nice side effect: you may open your agenda files by pressing
which will open all of them, one by one for each C-,
C-c C-[ will add a file to the _front_ of the list, so the file will be the
first one opened through C-,



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